Thursday, October 29, 2009

Creative Creatures

In Dynamic Drawing we discussed how making art and becoming a good artist requires much problem solving and tapping into our creative energies.  Just as one must practice, stretch, and condition to play a sport or become a good dancer, we must "exercise" our art skills to become better artists!  Using the following creative exercise worksheet, we were given the problem of using 12 artistic elements (simple designs) to make 7 unique and dynamic creatures.  These creatures or characters must interact within a specific scene or habitat.

1. Students used pencils to lay out their characters and their background scene. 
2. Next we practiced our colored pencil skills.  I stressed the importance of heavily laying down the pigment and coloring in the same direction. We also practiced blending colors that were close to each other on the color wheel to add highlights and shadows.  For example, yellow can make a realistic highlight on a green creature, while dark blue can make a great shadow.
3.  For the finishing touch and to make our creatures "pop" we used black fine tipped sharpies to outline.









Kenna (she did 2!)

Miss Vanessa

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