Thursday, December 17, 2009

Millie's Marvellous Hat!

In Art Through Children's Literature we read Satoshi Kitamura's Millie's Marvellous Hat.  In this book, Millie cannot afford a beautiful feather hat that she sees in a store window.  The clerk remembers that he has a special one that's perfect for her budget. This imaginary hat can be any size, shape, or color that she prefers. As she walks down the street wearing it, Millie is inspired. Soon she has a hat like a peacock, then a cake, next a flower, and then a fountain.

Children were inspired to use their own imaginations to create a hat that displayed their very favorite things. 

First:  Using white paper and black sharpies, students drew a simple portrait of themselves.  We chose to keep the portraits simple and black and white so the colorful hats could take center stage. Another option would be to cut the face out of the white paper, glue it to black and then add the hat.  That's how I'd do them next time!

Second:  Next using various colored paper, metallic paper, sequins, feathers, tissue paper, and buttons, children were free to create their very own special hat. Below are some examples of this fun, imaginative project. 











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