Thursday, October 29, 2009

Giraffes Can't Dance!

In Art Through Children's Literature we read a humorous and heartwarming story called Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae.  This book tells of the story of a clumsy giraffe named Gerald who's legs are too skinny.  The jungle is hosting a dance, and all of the other animals can do the tango, the waltz, and really groove.  Gerald isn't the best dancer and the other animals tease him and this makes him very sad.  A kind cricket plays Gerald some special music, and he realizes that sometimes if you're different, you just need a different song. 

 This story sends out a great message that you can excel and enjoy who you are even if, at first, the world does not play your tune. Additionally, it ecourages the validation and acceptance of a child who feels different--which is always a great message! Dance on!

White sulphite paper 12"x18" and 9"x12"
Colored Pencils
Tempera paint: blue, purple, white, green, yellow
Black Sharpies
Glue Sticks

This project was completed in only two one hour sessions!

1. We began by creating a fabulous nighttime background for our giraffes to dance in.  First using cups, we traced a moon on 12"x18" white sulphite paper with a pencil.  Then in the bottom portion we drew a ground line where the grass would be/

2. Next we used purple, blue, and turquoise tempera paint to add a luxurious night sky.  We painted everything but the moon and grass.

3. We painted the moon white and then swirled the paint outwards to make the moon glow into the night sky.  We even added a few stars. 

4.  Then we painted the grass yellow. We counted to 100 together to allow the yellow to dry  and then added green paint on top. We turned our brushes upside down and use the ends to scratch in some grass texture. Some students were not present during this part, therefore, they used oil pastels on black paper to create their nighttime backgrounds.

Day two:
1. The next class we tackled the daunting task of learning how to draw a dancing giraffe.  We started with a simple oval shape for the belly.  I demonstrated how to make the giraffe dance in two poses, standing and doing a somersault.  Basically as long as the giraffe had 4 skinny legs, a long neck, and spots you were on the right track! 

2.  After drawing our dancing giraffes, we colored them with colored pencils using mostly yellow and orange. We outlined details like eyes, mouths and hooves in black sharpies.

3.  We carefully cut them out and glued them to our backgrounds. 

Here are our dancing giraffes--the children are so proud of these!

          Jake                                      Eddie
    Chloe                                            Victoria
   Gaia                                    Megan
    William                                    Yula
    Luke                                    Maddie
     Adric                                          Meredith
   Nicholas                                  Miss Vanessa

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